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Reasons You Should Let Me Hunt Your Property

Here are some “reasons” to stash away in your hunting vest to increase your odds at gaining access to hunt.

Jarrod Stephens August 26, 20212 min read
rancher and two hunters talking at a fence gate in florida
Photo Credit: Mossy Oak

Have you ever asked for permission to hunt on someone’s property? If you have then you’ve likely been rejected a few times but also gained access on occasion as well. Perhaps if hunters went more prepared to discuss reasons why they should be allowed to hunt on someone’s property then the odds for a “yes” answer could improve.

Reason 1: My hunting and harvesting of wildlife will reduce crop deprivation.

Since many landowners are farmers and/or gardeners, they may appreciate the fact that each time a deer or turkey is harvested there will be less of an impact on their crops as the animals graze. A white-tailed deer can consume from seven to ten pounds of food daily. That’s more than more than a ton of grasses and other forage for one single deer per year. Now, multiply that times the number of deer that are on the property and you’ll soon figure out that you’ll be doing the farmer a favor by harvesting deer from the property. Wild turkeys do not consume nearly as many pounds of food but when large flocks find freshly planted crops, you’ll be surprised how much crop depravation can occur.

Reason 2: “Allowing me to harvest deer may save you money in the long run.”

Since bucks shed their antlers each year, the antlers can become a nightmare for the farmer who finds them with their tractor tire or other implement. Asking to hunt deer and/or sheds can save a farmer from facing an unexpected expense from a shed antler.

Deer can also be quite destructive to fencing, so harvesting deer can reduce such damage. Deer travel a lot and travel quickly and that sometimes leads to collisions with fences. Cattle farmers continually mend fences due to damage caused by deer.

Reason 3: “If you allow me to hunt on your property, I become the eyes and ears for you when it comes to others encroaching upon your land.”

Displaying and touting your ethical practices can be a way to win over the toughest landowner.

Sadly, many landowners have been hoodwinked by hunters who practiced bad ethics and sometimes shed a bad light on hunting altogether. Your presence can help deter unethical and unwanted hunting practices. When you do get permission to hunt it’s imperative that you do your best to be a benefit to the one who has granted you permission to hunt. Promptly report any trespassing or unwanted activity to the landowner.  

When you ask for permission to hunt on someone’s property, always go prepared for a “yes” or a “no” but improve your odds of success by also taking along a few good reasons why they should let you hunt on their property.

Filed Under:
  • Deer
  • Healthy Habitats
  • Healthy Harvests
  • Learn to Hunt